
Run Kpow Community Edition for Apache Kafka in Kubernetes

Kpow Community Edition is a free, developer focused toolkit for Apache Kafka clusters, schema registries, and connect installations.

Starting today, individuals can use Kpow CE for free, even at work. Organisations can install Kpow CE in up to three non-production environments.

Each installation of Kpow CE can manage one Kafka Cluster, one Schema Registry, and one Connect cluster. See our feature matrix for more information.

This Helm chart uses the factorhouse/kpow-ce container from Dockerhub.

Get Repo Info

helm repo add factorhouse https://charts.factorhouse.io
helm repo update

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-kpow-ce:

helm install my-kpow-ce factorhouse/kpow-ce

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-kpow-ce deployment:

helm delete my-kpow-ce

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release